Market Insight 2014

Our investment manager’s latest views on world events and the markets plus a historical library of their observations.

Winning with the Collapse in Oil

TAM portfolios provide protection in the oil sell-off. “I’ve been on both sides of a lot of oil and gas price swings. Every time, the first question people always ask...

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Has Santa tried to derail the economy?

The state of New York is no stranger to freak weather conditions but the current winter storm hitting the eastern sea board has already seen over 10 fatalities, thousands stranded...

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Weighing it up

"When you are in deep conflict about something, sometimes the most trivial thing can tip the scales" Ethel Merman. Stock markets appear to have regained some poise after a few...

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Bill Gross "King of bonds"

“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland In 1992, President Clinton’s adviser,...

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JAPAN - Beware of bull

TAM clients may have noticed the successful investment into Japanese equities bought earlier in the Spring. At the time, we believed that the market had fallen unjustly out of favour...

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Walking around the bear

“There’s nothing like an airport for bringing you down to earth” Richard Gordon. Over the last couple of years, the list of things to worry about has grown ever longer...

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MH17. Realpolitik in action

The real trouble with liars is that there is never any guarantee against their occasionally telling the truth - Kingsley Amis. The weekend’s 24-hour coverage of the downing of the...

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Slamming the door before the horse bolts

Could the Fed stop investors from exiting bond funds? You've got to sit up and take notice when you hear that Federal Reserve officials have been discussing measures to avert...

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Bond Yields; that sinking feeling

Should we be concerned that government bond yields remain near historic lows? In 2013 expectations that the US Federal Reserve would reduce (or ‘taper’) their quantitative easing program added to...

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The Scottish Referendum: What would Paul say?

Who remembers Paul the Octopus from the 2010 World Cup in South Africa? He shot to fame for his uncanny ability to pick the winners of matches throughout the tournament,...

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The year that never was (April 2013 - March 2014)

On the face of it, there was a lot going on during the year. Global markets dealt with a US government shut down, Federal Reserve tapering, Chinese economic slowdown and...

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Is it time for the bulls to hold their nerve as the Great Bear stirs?

It is understandable that, on the face of it, headline news of Russia invading a sovereign nation on the borders of the EU may give rise to some alarm for...

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35 percent. How low can you go?

“The President of the Commission, Mr. Delors, said at a press conference the other day that he wanted the European Parliament to be the democratic body of the Community, he...

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TAM Outlook 2014

Equities higher, government debt uninspiring; more of the same? The start of the long awaited withdrawal of Fed stimulus for the bond market is upon us and will have ramifications...

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